Things I’ve Learned by 27šŸŽ‰

1992 Child

Getting older naturally brings with it a period of reflection, often about what we have or havenā€™t achieved over the past year of our lives. As a self professed perfectionist, I often measure my worth in my achievements.

This is why I wanted to reflect not on my successes and failures since I turned 27, but on all the lessons I have learnt over the years that have carried me through to today and shape who I am as a person.

1.šŸ‘ Not everyone will like me. And thatā€™s okay. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™ve ever been a ā€˜people pleaserā€™ as such but I definitely used to find the idea that people didnā€™t like me difficult. Iā€™ve come to find that the kind of people who donā€™t like me generally donā€™t share the same values as me, and therefore I probably donā€™t like them either.

2.šŸš« Itā€™s okay to say NO. Itā€™s so easy to go along with things that you donā€™t agree with or feel comfortable with just to avoid looking difficult or disruptive. Itā€™s okay not to agree, or to need to take some time out for yourself, or to not do something you donā€™t want to do.

  1. GirlpoweršŸ’Ŗ Women have a rough deal. As I have gotten older I have become very aware of the injustices women face not just in western societies, but worldwide. I try my best to talk about feminism and equal rights when I can. We have a voice &we should use it.
  2. āœˆTravel makes my soul happy. Iā€™ve explored more countries in the last few years than in pretty much my whole life before that, and itā€™s the most fulfilling, heart warming, soul cleansing thing I have ever done.
  3. šŸ—£Talking saves lives. Itā€™s okay to ask for help. Even if you arenā€™t really sure you need it or deserve it. If itā€™s even crossed your mind, just ask. You are always deserving of help no matter what you might tell yourself, or what other people might tell you.

8.šŸ˜Ž I really like tattoos. I always knew I wanted tattoos from when I was young, but I didnā€™t know quite how much I would like them! Iā€™m up to around 4 now I think and still have a couple more planned.

9.šŸ˜¢ I cry a lot. Not just when Iā€™m sad, but when Iā€™m angry or frustrated or happy or excited or overwhelmed.

  1. šŸŒŽ The world is kind of amazing.
    You have to look a little harder to see this because our lives are so saturated with bad news. But with just a little effort itā€™s easy to find random acts of kindness,true love, new friendships,music ect
  2. šŸ“ˆThereā€™s more to life than numbers. As an economist Iā€™ve spend my whole life measuring myself in numbers. My weight, my size, my grades, my awards, my running times, But none of these things really matter as much as being happy does.
  3. I donā€™t always have to be the best at everything. This is a hard one for me. I am a Capricorn šŸ¦„. I HATE getting things wrong, I find it horribly uncomfortable and I catastrophise ā€“ Iā€™m either good at something or terrible and thereā€™s no in between.
  4. Jealousy is a nasty emotion. Life isnā€™t a competition, itā€™s a journey.

āš”P.s When I reflect on where I am in my life right now, I couldnā€™t ask for more. Sure, Iā€™d like a little more money, to work a few less hours, to go on more holidays. We all have things in our lives that we would like to be different. But with each passing year I know myself better, and I am probably the most content I have ever been now. With age comes knowledge, memories and growth.
Maybe getting older isnā€™t so bad after all.šŸ˜‹

Things I’ve Learned by 27šŸŽ‰

1992 Child

Getting older naturally brings with it a period of reflection, often about what we have or havenā€™t achieved over the past year of our lives. As a self professed perfectionist, I often measure my worth in my achievements.

This is why I wanted to reflect not on my successes and failures since I turned 27, but on all the lessons I have learnt over the years that have carried me through to today and shape who I am as a person.

1.šŸ‘ Not everyone will like me. And thatā€™s okay. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™ve ever been a ā€˜people pleaserā€™ as such but I definitely used to find the idea that people didnā€™t like me difficult. Iā€™ve come to find that the kind of people who donā€™t like me generally donā€™t share the same values as me, and therefore I probably donā€™t like them either.

2.šŸš« Itā€™s okay to say NO. Itā€™s so easy to go along with things that you donā€™t agree with or feel comfortable with just to avoid looking difficult or disruptive. Itā€™s okay not to agree, or to need to take some time out for yourself, or to not do something you donā€™t want to do.

  1. GirlpoweršŸ’Ŗ Women have a rough deal. As I have gotten older I have become very aware of the injustices women face not just in western societies, but worldwide. I try my best to talk about feminism and equal rights when I can. We have a voice &we should use it.
  2. āœˆTravel makes my soul happy. Iā€™ve explored more countries in the last few years than in pretty much my whole life before that, and itā€™s the most fulfilling, heart warming, soul cleansing thing I have ever done.
  3. šŸ—£Talking saves lives. Itā€™s okay to ask for help. Even if you arenā€™t really sure you need it or deserve it. If itā€™s even crossed your mind, just ask. You are always deserving of help no matter what you might tell yourself, or what other people might tell you.

8.šŸ˜Ž I really like tattoos. I always knew I wanted tattoos from when I was young, but I didnā€™t know quite how much I would like them! Iā€™m up to around 4 now I think and still have a couple more planned.

9.šŸ˜¢ I cry a lot. Not just when Iā€™m sad, but when Iā€™m angry or frustrated or happy or excited or overwhelmed.

  1. šŸŒŽ The world is kind of amazing.
    You have to look a little harder to see this because our lives are so saturated with bad news. But with just a little effort itā€™s easy to find random acts of kindness,true love, new friendships,music ect
  2. šŸ“ˆThereā€™s more to life than numbers. As an economist Iā€™ve spend my whole life measuring myself in numbers. My weight, my size, my grades, my awards, my running times, But none of these things really matter as much as being happy does.
  3. I donā€™t always have to be the best at everything. This is a hard one for me. I am a Capricorn šŸ¦„. I HATE getting things wrong, I find it horribly uncomfortable and I catastrophise ā€“ Iā€™m either good at something or terrible and thereā€™s no in between.
  4. Jealousy is a nasty emotion. Life isnā€™t a competition, itā€™s a journey.

āš”P.s When I reflect on where I am in my life right now, I couldnā€™t ask for more. Sure, Iā€™d like a little more money, to work a few less hours, to go on more holidays. We all have things in our lives that we would like to be different. But with each passing year I know myself better, and I am probably the most content I have ever been now. With age comes knowledge, memories and growth.
Maybe getting older isnā€™t so bad after all.šŸ˜‹